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Friday, February 25, 2011

The Back Alley

I read an article in SLATE called “The Back Alley” and it’s about how the politics of abortion protects bad clinics, written by William Saletan and it’s very interesting; it presents how in last year the FBI investigated and found out that one of the abortion clinics in Philadephia ran by Dr. Gosnell was the worst licensed abortion clinic in the United States, and while they are doing this investigation, they also found that decades ago, no one was really making regular inspections to these clinics.
On this investigation, the author believes that for political reasons the abortion clinics were not inspected anymore; since 1993 Mr. Gosnell was not inspected anymore and one of the reasons could be because the change of administration from Governor Casey, who was pro-life to Governor Ridge who was pro-choice.
            The author is trying to persuade the audience to understand and be informed on how these abortion clinics has not been inspected from decades ago and how they were still running and the states were not doing what they suppose to, and women were being neglected in these clinics and not treated in a sanitary environment.  The evidence that the author presented were very clear as the grand jury is taking this case and evaluating all the circumstances and trying to make regular investigations to abortion clinics all over the United States so this situation does not happen again.
            I agree with the author on her arguments and how the system is not working properly.  I personally am a pro-lifer and the idea of these clinics doing these horrors to unborn fetus and women makes me think what the government is really doing to bring a solution.  I don’t understand how they do these kinds of things. 
The Grand Jury did some investigations to these clinics until there were two fatalities two years ago.  They are working on bringing new laws for the protection of women.

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